a word used by illiterate losers who really mean to say "pitiful" but are trying to impress normal people with their soap opera-inspired vocabulary.
that rompf sure is a pathetic organism.
by himself o'leary September 10, 2004
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To not be apathetic, as the a- in apathy negates the root "pathos".

So to say, to have emotions, care, feel sympathy/empathy, and show interest.

Often confused to mean that something deserves pity.
Girl: Gimme back my purse!
Bully: haha! Whatcha gonna do about it?
Guy: knock it off!

(school counselor hears this)
(guy punches bully I'm split second that counselor isn't looking)
girl: thank you! That was very brave.

Counselor: good job kid! That was very pathetic of you!
Guy: WHAAAATTT?!?!?!
by JelvinJS7 April 18, 2011
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arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness
Example: Manny is a pathetic and pitiful excuse for a human.
by Niggato June 22, 2017
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The amount of pathetic qualities a person has
My patheticness is so big its amazing
by Count big lords September 14, 2017
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When two or more people meet up at the library on St. Patty's Day eve with dollar coke's from McDonalds, and proceed to pour rum into them.
Shelby and Courtney are on the second floor of the library being pathetic.
by reverandstiffnasty March 17, 2014
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Hypocrite the is just too self absorbed to admit it that he is wrong and can't accept when he has lost a "battle."
"You are such and a**hole Felipe. Do you not realize how stupid you make yourself seem when you do that."
"You know what Clair, F*ck Off.
"Ugh, you're so pathetic."
by loser.ik November 15, 2017
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