bro i love anal custard its so juicy and rich in anal vitamins
i bought some anal custard for our kinky faggot session today
by we hate all faggots August 3, 2023
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The congealed combination of vile vaginal sludge and urine which accumulates in the gusset of female underwear.
I pulled her pants off with my teeth and ended up with fudd custard smeared on my top lip. I can still smell it and that was two fucking weeks ago!
by christopher doherty December 11, 2009
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The only food that the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) likes after regenerating. Amelia Pond has this in her freezer, and the Doctor finds it only after he tried almost every other food in Amelia's house.
Let's eat some fish custard during our Doctor Who marathon!
by heyitsyouknowwho November 29, 2011
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When someone is bad at throwing a ball in sports.
"Nice throw, custard arm."

"What is Jono doing, he's got the biggest custard arm ever."
by Jono P. November 25, 2005
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Traditionally slang reference to homosexual men but has evolved and used to describe women as well.
He is a custard chugger. She is a custard chugger.
by Newfie blogger June 21, 2020
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Someone that is a total bitch about the way custard is made.
' you should use a microwave, I always use a microwave, you're doing it wrong, I'll do it'

'you're such a custard nazi'
by TheFullTruth April 19, 2013
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