Somethings of which there are too many
Wow look at all those cows! There's numbers of them!
by AD9 March 28, 2004
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A polite way to describe the act of a man and woman simultaneously performing oral sex on each other, derived from the term sixty-nine. (69)
Your mom and I are about to head out back and do some number.
by beauxbadeaux April 1, 2008
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See sometimes it helps to understand a word if you break it down, lets do that now;

NUM...see if you\'re numb you cant feel and then BER...burr is a noise people make when they\'re cold.

So a number is a person who can\'t feel that they\'re cold.
\"That guys standing in the blizzard butt naked\"

\"Damn, he\'s a number\"
by KumiRoldy April 27, 2005
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Having to do with many numbers. Also, a common misspelling of the word "numerous".
He says he has put in numberous tickets.
by ark1tekt0r November 3, 2014
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Can I ask what some of your numbers mean? 937 was one that I’m sure means different things to us both..
706 from today.. if I had to guess.. each number is letters in a word right? Soo.. forever & always?
God that post really makes me wish it was her writing.. after all this time, the 2 of us truly alone.. I’d just pick her up! Think there would be tears, happy ones for a change. I’d move heaven and earth to finally have her in my arms.

I'm sure the longest, slowest kiss of all time would follow..
I would not be able to let her go!

Your poetry.. what started that? It’s so rare.. shows such a dedication.. depth to your thoughts about him.
So beautiful..

When you mentioned Romeo & Juliet.. another pair of star crossed lovers.. I’d thought of characters from a game I played as a kid. Little less tragic than your example! It explores destiny, souls.. hearts being intertwined but separated by circumstance.. always wanted to get her something like a bracelet charm from it.. called the Paopu fruit.. a star shaped fruit (shape is so perfect) the legend being if you share it with someone you really care for, you're bound together forever. To me.. thats so romantic.

I have a feeling she would have absolutely loved it.

Big coincidence is all the references to the moon and stars.. I’d thought of her like the moon before.. lighting up the darkness for me. Then realised I was wrong.

I was the moon, she was the sun. Illuminating everything in her path and guiding me in the dark.
How are you keeping this amazing faith that you’ll have your someday still.. I hope you do. I hope we both do.

It feels like we deserve it for opening our hearts so fully to another.

I hope these numbers have a happy destination.
by 4_u August 25, 2023
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Sorry.. 1 more. I didn't expect your words would make me think so much. My thoughts are such a mess the last few days, I think I'm still trying to make sense of, well.. anything.

We share similar sentiments on love.

What about spirituality?
It isn't something I've ever been big on, I need something empirical, I can't blindly believe in things I have no proof of.

But odd aspects always sang to me, I have a ridiculous amount of traits regularly attributed to a Gemini.

The girl I spoke of opened my eyes to it further.

Manifestation etc I just do not believe in. But numerology.. it seems to follow me. What certain numbers supposedly represent, have a disturbingly accurate way of feeling like they guide me.

Do you believe anything similar? I'm at the point where I feel I need to consciously try to ignore them, otherwise.. I know they're going to drive me insane.
Is there any real divinity in the numbers of the universe?
Or have I just left myself open to be so easily manipulated..
by 4_u August 21, 2023
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Last night.. that unexpected number threw me off.

Seemed directed at me when I felt lost.. and now again tonight.. another affirmation to not give up..

If this isn't guidance.. I am actually going insane.

It wasn't just those either.. I'm used to it here and on whatsapp.. but today.. impossible coincidences on insta too..

I hate to admit.. I am flying blind here. Emotions and thoughts all over the place..

So the options are.. I'm crazy.. or she has Moriarty level intellect.. or both.
by 4_u August 26, 2023
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