The peak of nerdy pleasure; a large amount of time spent solely on doing nerdy things.
Lemme guess, you're so tired because you were up all night nerdgasming to Halo 3?

I can't believe he didn't invite me to the nerdgasm!
by blonderxcore September 29, 2007
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An orgasm occurring in a nerd.
Man, the trailer for the new Tron TV show caused Eugene to have a nerdgasm.
by BSGfan July 27, 2009
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When something is so nerdy and epic it brings one to orgasm.
I had a nerdgasm

"did you see the new sci-fi movie?"
"It brought me to nerdgasm"

"it was so nerdy I experienced a Nerdgasm"

Woah, The new batmobile! I think I'm having a nerdgasm!
by Kashaanm January 19, 2011
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An orgasm of nerdy-ness that takes place either on the weekend or during holiday brakes. A nerdgasm consists of more than three people gathering in one place to nerd out all day; soda, snacks, and other beverages are common during a nerdgasm - tending to be a requirement whenever they occur.

Nerdgasms are also accompanied by a usuall 10-15 degree increase in room temperature due to the all the heat created by the multiple running electronics and the massive amount of body heat created by the players in the room.
Guy1: "Hey, are we having the nerdgasm at your house this Friday?"

Guy2: "Dude ofcourse! We have them every Friday. Don't forget to bring your Xbox and Halo 3, I want to rape some nubs on Griff Ball!"

Guy1: "Okay, I wont! See you at the nerdgasm, man!"
by ExBrother2 May 22, 2010
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(verb)- to become incredibly excited by something nerdy or dorky (e.i. a video game) to the point of a high comparable to orgasm
Dude when I got Blops at midnight I had such a nerdgasm!
by The Papa Smurf December 10, 2010
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an orgy for a nerd..
an orgasm thats emerged by batman movies, dumbo, chess, hard cpu games...n other shit nerds savor-
WHile watching the new Batman movie, i had multiple nerdgasms. Wicked than a mu fucka!
by tTice July 19, 2008
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When a nerd/geek does something he or she finds awesome but it is only awesome to said nerd or to a collective group of nerds.
The nerd moment in question is usually down to interpretation, but it usually adheres to stereotypes of the word, Nerd.
"I just backed up all the data from my PC and reinstalled a new operating system, it was sweet"!! *Nergasm*

"I spent half the day tweaking and modding my PC systems so it operates more efficiently" *Nerdgasm*

Guuitar Nerd 1 "Dude, did you see that 7 string sweep picking with the string skipping"??

Guitar Nerd 2 "Yeah I did, had a nerdgasm it was so damn good"
by DeeRod November 9, 2010
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