The term for two people, both post curry, who fart at once.
I heard that! And i've just let one drop as well. Bring the Mutually Assured Destruction!!
by kymcleod October 12, 2003
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The state of being in which two people both cock block each other into the friend zone even though they are both attracted to and want to be with each other.

They are then relegated to the state of perpetual friend zone with much regret yet they never know what it is that they failed to achieve.

Thus these two attractive people are forced to for ever interact and want yet not connect.
Bob and Anna MAFZ’d each other on Saturday; it was painful to watch. Mutually Assured Friend Zone (MAFZ)for the win.
by IFYG DRM December 29, 2018
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A phrase, possibly coined by Arthur C. Clarke, to describe a situation where both parties can destroy the other, but not before the attacked party destroys the attacker.
Mutually assured destruction is certain now that the USSR have nuclear weapons.
by 256 September 3, 2003
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'Mutually Assured' meaning both candidates are assured.
Jack 'n' Jill we mutually assured that i have a gigantic penis!
by Jack Tha Rippa September 3, 2003
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Mutually Assured Destruction is where two parties end up destroying each other in the end. This can happen at the end of narcissistic relationships
David and I's relationship devolved to a platform of mutually assured destruction. He nearly took my life, so I made sure to destroy his reputation. He took my money, so I took his. He cheated on me, so I cheated on him. We were both nearly destroyed by the end.
by Siouxsie Supertramp November 7, 2023
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Basically a Mexican standoff between prominent countries that possess nuclear weapons and have different polictical agendas. Causes the entire world to be gripped in a sort of doomsday fatalism. Also results in peace talks to boil down to a pissing match in which each side takes a "I'll-throw-down-my-gun-if-you-throw-down-your-gun-first" attitude.
In "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" the apes may have survived if they had thier own nukes. The mutant humans wouldn't have used thier nuke because of fear of mutually assured destruction. Which didn't matter anyway, because they all ended up dead, like a bunch of pork rinds.
by Pigeon McNugget October 8, 2003
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