A gaming tactic where one member of the team turns off his/her computer monitor while the remaining teammates eliminate themselves from the game and direct the 'blind' man to victory.
by esbézé December 17, 2006
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A Wall Monitor is a subspecies of the Facebook stalker:

1. Someone who checks the status of people's relationships by seeing if they are posting on each other's Facebook walls.

2. Someone who sees a post on someone's Facebook wall and traces the conversation from wall to wall in reverse.
Wall Monitors know more about you than you do about them. They prune information from their profiles and scour yours. This is not an equal transaction.

In the future, everyone will be anonymous for 15 minutes.
by Memphis Jay April 6, 2008
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An ankle monitor (also known as a tether, or ankle bracelet) is a homing device that defendants under house arrest or parole are required to wear. At all times, the ankle monitor sends a radio frequency signal containing location and other information to a receiver.
due to house arrest he had to wear the ankle monitor.
by adilkhan November 1, 2018
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The person who is always bringing down the group. The person being the wet blanket of any given situation.
hey guys, we could get in real trouble if we get caught.... Dammit, Frank! Quit being such a saftey monitor!!
by sillyassmonkeybutt January 26, 2011
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Monitor malaise can take two forms.

1) Falling into a stupor after staring at a particular document on your monitor for long periods. You know this has occurred when you realize you're reading every sentence two or three times, or your face has become hot and red where you've been resting it on your hand, or you've drooled on yourself (and this last is not a normal occurrence for you).

2) A feeling of being overwhelmed or confined to your desk (see stir crazy). You've been staring at the same project on your monitor for so long that you'll use any excuse to escape, even when you know that you should continue working.
1) The phone rang, snapping me out of my monitor malaise and nearly giving me a coronary.

2) Even though my project was due in half an hour, I couldn't concentrate; severe monitor malaise. Walking Vicki to her car was the perfect remedy (even though it took 2 hours).
by robzilla October 7, 2005
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