To fuck with someones mind for your own personal pleasure or simply because you have nothing better to do.
"My wife wants this new car, and so do I, but I think I will mindfuck her for awhile before I give in."

When you argue with someone about something you really could give a shit less about, just cause you can.
by Carmen45 March 11, 2008
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a mind fuck is when a girl is confused and cannot give a boy the answer he wants

mindfucking is the verb form of that

most of the time, unfortunately, the girl has no idea what she is doing, and the more she tries to explain herself, the more inconsistent she becomes and the more confused he becomes. in the end, both normally realize they are mindfucking over nothing at all. nothing at all. unfortunately, the endings most probably aren't happy ones.
here is an example of a mindfuck:
Boy loves girl and girl loves boy. Boy will change life for girl and move to other state for her. Girl doesn't want that. But girl wants him. Boy thinks he is just getting a mindfucking. When really Girl just doesnt want to disappoint or commit. Girl still likes Boy and Boy still like Girl. But now the relationship is HINDERed.
by postsecretlovesyou June 21, 2009
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Occurs when something happens that is a crazy coincidence or the irony of it all is enough to stop you in your tracks and take a picture, to make it last longer.
Today i was at the park and saw this garbage 'graffiti'; it was a mindfuck.
by PineappleJuice March 21, 2015
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intense communication between people, that generates as much chemical satisfaction than sexual intercourse, but without any physical contact or sensual game.
"I played chess with John yesterday, it was soo nice, so complex... what a mindfuck, if my boyfriend understood chess he'd be jealous as hell"
by thereminbooya August 4, 2005
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An ending to a movie with such a plot twist that it makes you say "holy shit." e.g. Impostor, Minority Report, The Sixth Sense, Memento.
Holy fucking shit! That was the mindfuck of the century!
by Brad K. March 16, 2003
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A book that can be considered confusing, enlightening, or both.
Dude, Catch-22 was a total mindfuck.
by abstraxion August 21, 2003
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