When your man puts chocolate on your titties and calls it a milkdud.
tities smothered in chocolate. I am gonna have some Milk Dud.
by Sarah R. Drain August 16, 2006
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A man that has mixed racial backgrounds, but acts black around his colored friends, and EXTREMELY white with thug overtones around everyone else.
People that use racial words to describe themselves and others as thuggish while driving a brand new Ford Explorer or nicer vehicle and wearing the best Ralph Lauren.
Milk Dud trippin in a minute when he went to Macy's, the line was long as hell
by Beast B. August 24, 2006
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when two black men shoot their load into the same white women during the same instance of sexual intercourse.
We were only normal brothers until we bhad sex this girl at the same time and shot our load into the same pussy and then we became Milk Dud Brothers.
by 7878787878787878 December 21, 2006
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The act or process of yourself or another, gently massaging the testacles until satisfaction...
"Man, I had my lady 'milk my duds' last night and I can still feel the tingling sensation."
milk duds lady sensation pleasure testacles
by 1017OkinawaThug November 27, 2015
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When having anal sex, and you have a pierced penis(works best with the Prince Albert) making sure to churn that stinky doody hole real good, then pull out briskly leaving a milk dud like ball off poopie stuck in the ring. Then make your partner suck the poop off the end off it.
I fucked this chick in the ass the other day and gave her a Virginia milk dud
by Thrust torso September 15, 2021
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a big ole meanie pants who has 30 mental disabilities including autism, half a brain, etc. and he is a sarcastic prick becuase he is a d
he got a small d and look like a milk dud Mr. Milk Dud
by w3845689w734ytiqwlfeui23wlgksy September 30, 2019
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