this is a nose the some animals make and all so some humans make.
Jim: look at the monkey Fred
monkey: meep
Fred: meep
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(verb): to make a small noise like a kitten and then cower submisively.
To "meep out" means to perform the aforementioned action while sidling towards the nearest exit.
by *Flounce* July 28, 2008
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The sound that a girl makes when trying to be absolutely adorable...
Peter: Hey! You're so cute!!
Elleora: "meep"
by MrAsianPeter November 12, 2013
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A meep is the sound a cat with a defective meow makes. "meep, meep". This is a different sound then the cat's motor which is ofter referred to as a "purrrrr". We have a cat who was very ill as a kitten and now cannot meow, as well as having with some mental disability. The sound she makes is a "meep" instead of "meow". She is referred to as a meeper.

2. A "meeper": (noun)reference to a cat with a defective meow.
3. "Meeping" : (verb) the
1. The cat sat in front of the door and cried meep, meep.
2. A meeper: (noun)reference to a cat with a defective meow.
3. Meeping : (verb) The cat is meeping at the door again.
by defective meow January 25, 2014
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evrything and nothing or part of a word
meep or your lord meepiness
by rob mcginness December 14, 2003
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a person that is visibly and socially awkward. Usually male, tall, lanky and has a higher pitched voice than most males. Likes to not stand out and is usually just "there"
Me: Did you see that guy over there?
Friend: Yeah he was a total meep
by meepmaster November 1, 2013
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Originally used or coined as such on FurryMUCK.
Used when happy to see someone or as stated in other definitions 'Wow that person is hot!' Also in a greeting or showing surprise, questioning.. See other definitions for alternate usage.
Usually used by a mustelid character; Skunk, badger, mink, weasel, ferret..etc. Not to be confused with YIFF.
Morgan has arrived.
Har'lea'quinn MEEPS!
(Har'lea'quinn is a friend.)
Morgan meeps in surprise as he's pounced!
by Morgan April 1, 2005
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