1. A Lou is between diarrhea and solid stool. A Lou dump resembles small shrimp or brown shredded paper. It often precludes diarrhea or even getting the flu. Symptoms are often similar to diarrhea, where a person experiences a great amount of pressure on their lower abdomen and intense sweating around their ass.

2. On a spectrum of wipeage 1-10, with 1 being a no wipe and 10 requiring a Roll, A Lou can range from a 6-9. It leaves the person guessing and never satisfied.
Tom: I need to get to the bathroom.
Seth: Why?
Tom: Because I think I just Lou'd in my pants.
Ashley: It smells like you just did a Lou fart.
by NoLou4me June 20, 2011
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A word that is short for loser
You're such a lou Andrew!
by Joha September 28, 2005
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Termed named after Cubs' skipper Lou Piniella. It is the tendency to leave a struggling pitcher in the game until there is no hope of ever snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. Also, pulling a winning pitcher from the game, then letting the reliever stay in the game when he struggles and loses the game when the Cubs were once 11 ahead.
"The manager must be throwing the game- he let the pitcher walk the bases full and delivered a grand slam pitch- I hate when he's "Louing It"
by irishmary May 7, 2010
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Lou is a girl who cant keep secrets and takes things personally but we guess she is an okay friend, nobody likes u sorry not sorry
Oh hey it's that girl who spills tea to all her bsf her name is lou
by Pipi1223 April 14, 2019
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1. Short for Loser - comes from Ace Ventura when Ace says "Leh hoo ze herr" (Loser) - Lou.

2. Can be combined with ish; Louish - Even better than the best.
1. You're a lou.

2. Man, that's so Louish - sweet.
by Clint Decker November 22, 2004
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Lou is a muscular master piece according to the common folk. He is the sort of person who will grip you and make you his own. Don't let his friendly appearance fool you he is actually a sex offender and enjoys the sport of perverting.
Bro why are you being such a lou to that girl?
by FNJJJ May 15, 2020
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