An alternative operating system to that of windows or mac. Can be used for servers, mobile phones and digital tv recievers. Can be customised to suit the user. Is based on Unix, Written by Linus Torvalds.
There are about a hundred different versions of linux distributed to millions of people on billions of computers-so you can bet your ass that one os will be different from the next. Linux allows the user to re-program the software to suit them-this is how many software glitches are sorted out with one person programming one part of the system while another person focusses on another part. Windows only allows this to an extent (ie changing a user name or startup sounds or desktop background etc) so for this reason many software bugs cannot be fixed and hence windows being so unstable. Linux is good for driving mobile phones or powering servers but is impractical for use with the average computer gamer/secretary/photo editor. In other words, a person with programming experience would opt for Linux as they can customise it to suit them, whereas a person wishing to read email or surf net would opt for Windows or Mac as they will not have to know anything about programming first.
Newer versions of linux can make applications (ie Windows media player or Mac video editor) run with Linux.

Note: A particularly bad combination is: Dell computer, Pentium 4 CPU and Windows XP. Try switching the combination (ie fit an AMD Athlon CPU)-this i am pointing out as many unstabilities are rooted to the CPU and combination of hardware components, rather than the actual software itself.
by Stevie RC July 22, 2005
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Strange IRC place where nutcase people hang and talk about everything, including linux.

Talking #linux

shaun: Weedy can you install gentoo in my box?


cn28h: @urbandict pervert anus
by unl0cker September 28, 2008
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Most Linux users understand the ups and downs of all OS possibilities. Linux is lacking in some areas (ie. gaming and ease), but is slowly making it's way into the home. It has the potential to be more stable and secure if you know what you are doing with it. I have found a happy medium. I use Slackware Linux 9.1 for servers and web browsing, MacOS 9.1 for graphics, and Windows XP for gaming.
The closed minded spend too much time hating those that oppose them.
by Matt January 19, 2004
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An overblown "Wal-Mart" OS written by programmers who lack the balls and social skills to walk their own dog. How many of these fucks actually own a house, anyway? Suppossed to be an alternative to Windows but is way overrated, has shit for features and a lousy, cryptic GUI. This is how fucked up Linux is: Novell bought SuSE. That's the kiss-of-death. Ask them what their installed base is? BTW...hackers prefer Windows only because it's more prevalent. If Linux's installed base hits decent numbers in maybe the next 20 years, that turdball OS will be picked apart like a dead dog in the desert.
The calculator froze up again. Oh, that runs on a Linux kernel.

He just started developing Linux apps and is already asking me to borrow money.

I took the IP chains off my laptop and now I can't access my dick.

John from Novell emailed again. Just redirect his emails to the Salvation Army, thanks.
by s6 June 29, 2005
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One of the foremost and most powerful religions in the geek community.

The best and only worthwhile OS in the world.

Mr. Gate's worst nightmare.

Microsoft's pimp.
Windows=Devil's Spawn
Mac=Crazy Cult
by Doraemon1210 April 26, 2005
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Equals liberty and your own personal privacy. Have any of you Windoze FUDders ever heard about how Windows Media Player sends data back to Microsoft about all those MP3 files you are playing? Or that Windows itself has a backdoor that lets the NSA snoop around your computer and find out about you? Get a friggin life and wake up!
by Linux Forever April 15, 2003
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