Lily is a pure amazing person and a great girl and beautiful she'll be anything you want her to be and she's the baby any man could ask for in my opinion I found my lily in my life and you should too I love her and wouldn't have it any other way I love lily and her ways I'm telling you now don't ever get rid of your lily she's a keeper for life and she'll always make you the happiest person on earth at first sight and she woes you with all her charms love you lily
She's such a lily don't ever let her go!
by Conor m125 May 9, 2017
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Lily is a stunningly epic girl, absolutely gorgeous and radiates pure awesomeness with many super cool friends. She is the loveliest person you can possibly think of, and never does anything to (purposfully) hurt anyone else, and constantly apologises for no reason.
She is also the clumsiest person in existance, can not walk straight on a flat surface and is constantly having blonde moments. Unfortunately she is not actually a blonde, and therefore cannot have true blonde moments. So we have renamed them Lily Moments, blonde moments for the non-blondes of the world.
Sebasgen: Hey Lily, do you wanna go see Pirates of the Carribean?
Lily: Sorry! Sounds good, I'd love to. Sorry!

Then Lily walks into a pole and falls over, dragging everyone else down with her.

Lily: Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!!!!
by Sir Marbles the Crazy July 13, 2011
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a beautiful flower, an amazingly cute girl
That is a beautiful Lily.
That girl is sooo Lily.
by cute1234 November 27, 2010
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is an amazingly hilarious girl with a sunny personality. She has radiant skin and beautiful wavy hair. A Lili is always there for you even though it might not seem like it. If you have a Lili in your life be glad.
That perfect girl is a lili
by francisiscooliooo June 21, 2011
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A total hippy, but the good kind that's proper bangtidy. They have a great, radiant personality and although they may be small they're like big up the popularity chain. A total babe that you can't go wrong with, beautiful eyes too.
Lili's are just legend.
Seen the new girl? She's a total Lili.
by KastridChitzNGiggles October 14, 2011
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You are lucky if you have a lily in your life. Lily’s are the type of person that’ll stay up all night trying to talk you out of suicide.
Person 1: Omg have you seen that girl?

Person 2: Her name is Lily. She’s super nice.
by Mindless Wonder November 4, 2019
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The most beautiful person in the whole world. Without her, I don't know what I'd do. She just makes my day complete, and just talking to her brightens my day. I want her to be in my life forever, she just makes me want to scream, 'OMG I LOVE YOU LILY' because without her, there is no reason for my story. I love you Lily. <33
Jack: 'Did you see that girl just then?'
Johnny: 'Yeah, I think she's called Lily.'
Jack: 'She's beautiful. One day I will be blessed with her beauty in my life.'
by LilysStalker May 29, 2011
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