Someone who believes in affordable health care and education and not letting the poor starve and die.
"Oh you are a liberal so you are evil?"
"Yes I don't want people to starve to death and go bankrupt if they end up in hospital, so I am evil."
by Cristalle5 June 10, 2017
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political and world living view that do not leave you confined in a box but allow you to believe in change in policy, freedom, and world change
I believe gay marriage should be legal, this would change mariatal laws- liberal view
by Tony B February 3, 2015
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a word meaning generous or a lot which comes from the latin adjective ilberalis, is, e.
he made a very liberal donation.
by Timber Wolf September 30, 2006
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a word to describe people who actually think about what is right in american politics
i am liberal and proud of it
by bob April 18, 2005
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A better choice than conservative, as Liberals actual want the world to get out of this shitty condition.
Damn, I hope that fuckwit Bush is replaced by a Liberal in 2004. If not, I might have to move to Mexico.
by Johnny Rocketfingers September 23, 2003
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1. A man or woman with a university education
2. Politically savvy and genuinely patriotic, as opposed to the uninformed jingoism of the conservative right
Liberals are responsible for all that is sane and rational. Conservatives are paranoid racists and jesus freaks.
by jayque October 18, 2003
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