another name for Lacrosse. AKA the best sport on the face of this earth. Only realy women and men play it.
Screw track and baseball play Lax!
by colorado girl February 14, 2008
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what women play during girl's softball season
laxer: damn, softball is queer and boring
fag: haha cradle balls, hahaha i'm a lesbian
by sweetlacx March 3, 2007
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A short version of relaxed. Also means calm or chill.
Work today is pretty lax.
by Matzah Hut January 29, 2009
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The title of a song by Big D and the Kids Table. I think it may hold the record (or at least be in the running) for "song to use the word 'fuck' the most times".
excerpt from LAX: "f*ck your f*cking attitudes. how can you be so f*cking rude? you f*cking look at me like when girls are jealous. and f*ck your f*cking LA bars! you're all a bunch of wannabe superstars! yeah and f*ck your f*cking act. you're a bunch of dressed-up f*cking wrecks...."
by ms. rigby February 16, 2006
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(1) Los Angeles International Airport. LAX is the common international airline abbreviation.

(2) An abbreviation of the word lacrosse. Many lacrosse products will include 'laxl in their name.
(1) My flight leaves from DFW and arrives at LAX.

(2) Our school's lacrosse team is holding a fundraiser at LAX Gear in the mall.
by Arthur James Sloan September 19, 2003
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shortened form of lacrosse. better than baseball. better than football. the players are required to wear face protection and padding, making them look really scary when they run at you full force on the field. in other words, pure domination.
who needs laxatives when you've got lax, we scare the shit out of you.
by laxxxxxxxgirl October 29, 2008
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