Lebanon Jr. High is like Lebanon High School but with more white, racist, hill billys looking for dip. Sudents here can often be found blasting Post Malone or show tunes in the hallway, there is no room for other forms of music. The boys constantly ask for blowjobs and nudes while the girls constantly offer blowjobs and nudes. Lebanon Jr. High School is a cesspool of thots and cholas. Choir classes are not even real. Our clubs include GAY CLUB, GAY CLUB 2.0, and mathletes. When the students throw parties they ask to drink their parents alcohol. Many Eigth grade students date highschoolers because they have bigger dicks. INCLUDING THE FEMALES. The kids also once dropped cocaine in front of their principal.
"Dude, I hate my girlfriend."

"Lol, just get a Lebanon Jr. High School girl. They thots."
by Artificial.Insomniac April 5, 2018
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THE worst school you could ever go to. Its full of Jews, and prude people. The dudes are all stupid and prude, and the girls are all normal- the only NORMAL thing about the school.

The assistant principal is the biggest asshole in the world, and one of the teachers was in a pron video -NO JOKE-
Jordan: "Dude your school sucks monkey balls!"

Nicole: "I know! I go to Wood Oaks Jr. High!"
by thisshitisgonnagodown November 23, 2010
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a jr high school in eldridge, iowa with kids ages 12-14 which had to be put on lockdown due to a kid pulling out a gun in social studies
many kids are bullied but the teachers could honestly care less
someone: did you see that the north scott jr high school had a 12 year old bring a gun to school?
a kid: yeah. i go to that school.
by a kid that goes to north scott December 26, 2019
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Is filled with emotionally unstable kids and they are not aloud to have bags because of heckins kids that smoke juuls. The majority wear Birkenstocks and crocs everyday. You would think the school is filled with rich white kid but it’s really not the stereotype is smart Indian kids who are also stoners haha. Thank you.
1:Is that school filled with rich white kids

2: no it’s smart Indian stoners

Pleasant valley jr high is a school filled with middle class white kids and smart Indian stoners
by Pleasantvalleystereotypes September 17, 2018
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The crappiest Jr. High School in Arizona, where their main concern is if you where your hood up on your jacket or not, instead of the kids who are cutting themselves in the corner or the kids flunking 7th Grade for the fiftieth time in a row, and a girl came to school and shot at people because someone "took" her boyfriend.
Mike: What school do you go to?
Emily: Desert Foothills JHS
Mike: haha, that sucks.
by MissCleo July 23, 2004
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Indian trail middle school is a school in Addison IL where people use EMO and gay as a insult then thinking there all that afterwords. Once u walk into the bathrooms u can smell flavored air from a mile away. White people will also go around saying the N-Word and then calling
Themselves “not racist”. You’ll find urself watching 1-5 fights in 2 months time because people at this school do not have self control. You find the popular kids only being popular for scandals that randomly happen. The bottom line is that this school is a great school if there were no students. (+ a few of the teachers r good 👍)
Have u ever gone to Indian trail jr high? Bro never let ur children go they’ll js be miserable.
by Urmom2024 January 30, 2022
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the absolute biggest shithole you will ever go to. don’t suggest unless you want to be sexually assaulted !! teachers don’t do anything about it!! haha anyways if you think about moving to this school in georgia, don’t 😁
dawson county jr high is shit !!
by jayxee August 10, 2021
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