a person that gets sucked into the art of procrastinating, and doing nothing all day
After hanging out with dhara way too much, janki stopped doing work too.
by dhara April 27, 2008
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A female druggie who sells drugs for a living. She is very rough and isn't scared of getting into fights. Usually wears sports clothes.
"yo u wanna go get some weed of Janki?"
"sure man but don't get into a fight shes well hard"
by ahahahahahahhahhaha October 7, 2009
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An adjective used to describe anything;To be Sleezy, Skeezy, Undersireble, Gross, Shady or anything in between.
"Did you see Laquisha Grinding on Dayvon at dat party? You could straight see her coochie."

"Yes, why she gotta be such a Janky hoe?".

"She was born that way."
by Nonie-Lafonduh-Avocado February 11, 2009
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pronounced JAn-Key(adj) to suck, used as a bad way of describing someone, something or an activity
guuuuurl that outfit is janky

this dance club is janky yo's!
by kdizzleyonizzle September 11, 2003
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Appeals as trashy, yet still seductive.
Whores are so janky.
by Daniel R. November 20, 2007
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adv. 1. a thing or things that are undesirable

Nigga, them shoes is janky.
Why you get that janky-ass haircut?
Bitch, quit bein' so janky and give me some of yo' Old English.
by Adam Dangerous March 17, 2003
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