A sliming world supervisor & commentator.
Someone who keeps both chefs and normals in line with quick witted, sassy, humbling remarks. She is in charge of stitching you up and putting you in your place.

“Behind every great man there is a woman rolling her eyes.” If you cross her or forget to phone her back after a night of rooftop cocktails & sushi she will let you and everyone else know about it.

Originated and used by British YouTube Star Mike Huttlestorm & fellow members of SORTEDfood.
JANICE: “I know what you’re thinking, yes he’s cute - but the reality is, he’ll take you out for sushi & rooftop cocktails, but will he call you back, no!”

MIKE: “Come on James, don’t be a tease”

JANICE: “Fat chance of that happening Mike. Barry, Ben, Mike and The Love Rat - keep working.”

JAMES: “I wonder if there’s any almond around? Is there? I can’t ask you can I.”

Janice: “James and I still aren’t talking.”

MIKE: “Ooh Sassy Janice is in!”
by KhaleesiofRivia March 29, 2021
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Janice is a girl who will take your man. Trust me, avoid Janice. They're all sweet and nice at first, but she WILL take your man.
"Man, that girl is such a Janice. I can't believe she started dating Julio right after Julio broke up with Naomi"
by TheBestFriendOfJanice October 24, 2020
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Mathieu Loves Matante Janice, he has fantasies about her every day of his life, if he could have a big picture of her on his bed ceiling he would. He probably finds her as a MILF.
Mathieu: Ohh your so pretty Janice.
Janice: Ohh what would you do with a Old women like myself.
Mathiew: I would put my treasure in your Treasure.
by Mathieu August 28, 2004
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Janice is a character from the YouTube channel, Smosh played by Courtney Miller. She is described as unpleasant to be around, weird, foul, disgusting, etc. She has appeared in videos such as "Uber Is Terrifying", "Every Halloween Ever", "Every Sleepover Ever", etc. Some Janice (Smosh) quotes include: "Jokes on you, I love eggs" - Every Halloween Ever, "That's a real shame, I would rock your world" - Every Christmas Ever, "Thanks for the TP losers, I've got diarrhea from all the raw eggs I ate"
Person 1: "God, Janice (Smosh) is absolutely disgusting!"
Person 2: "I know! I went to a party which she hosted, she tried to make out with me after chugging a can of baked beans!"

Random Person: "Janice (Smosh), do you shower?"
Janice (Smosh): "What's a shower?"
by ThatGuyX August 6, 2022
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A gas huffing hill billy woman, usually a mother. usually lurks near swamps near nuclear plants or steel mills, has yellowish to green skin along with numerous lecherous sores on her swollen body. has a hurtin' unit of a son named crusty cam, the hurtingest unit of them all, also has gas birth syndrome, giving him a large skull full of fumes with a tiny hill billy brain, fights girls. Gas huffin janice also usually always has a rag on her for huffin gas on the go
1) don't leave your car unattended, Gas huffin janice might run up with a lead pipe, beat your ass and take your gas

2)Gas huffin Janice fiends dirty dicks from mans for gasoline, or if she's lucky, that sweeeeet diesel
by prof. heisenberg November 12, 2012
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Janice is a valorant and her rank is radiant and she cool and noob but yea she eat shit and hellot kitty one very good. shes radiant 100% not on a losing strrak.
Janice is pro.
This mans name is Janice.
by Janjcekokonutxd December 31, 2022
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When you put it in the wrong hole and she starts death rolling like an alligator.
It was going great until I rammed her bum hole and she pulled a dirty Janice.
by Clgordon21 October 18, 2021
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