the feeling of disapointment when you seagull a philip
man i was jayed the philip loved it
by arnold zimmerman February 1, 2008
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The most amazingest kisser ever. You will fall in love just by looking in his eyes. His personality, smile, looks, EVERYTHING is just the best. Makes you feel like a princess and respects you dearly. He is perfect and you never want him to leave you. No matter what he does you will forgive him and love him forever.
Girl 1(jays girlfriend): I love jay.

Girl 2(jays ex girlfriend): I should of never gave him up. Treats you like a princess.
by emilyemmy101 July 24, 2011
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Someone who is a beast at everything he/she does. Such as running barefoot on a muddy cross country course-or being beyond hot.
Derek: "Did you see that jay run by?"
Nick: "Yeah his name is Jay, he's really good."
Victoria:"And he's so hot!! Jay is such a jay!"
by :.anonymous.: August 13, 2006
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Jay is a sweet, caring guy. He loves Jesus more than anything. He can make anyone laugh and is protective over any girl, even if it is a girl on the street. He can't stand to see anyone get treated badly. He can sometimes be a bit of a kid but that's what you love about him. You know that you can trust him with just about anything and that he won't judge you. He is extremely good looking and doesn't know it. He can be extremely competitive especially when it comes to the primary sports that he plays. Lastly, you know that he will make a positive impact on this world.
It was Jay who told the guy off about whistleing and objectifying that random girl on the street. He claimed that every girl needed to be treated with respect
by Proverbs 3:3 January 5, 2019
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A guy with a huge dick. He is really handsome and has a good personality. He is liked by heaps of people and all of the girls chase Jai. He is really popular and has nice hair.

GIRL: "OMG! Who is that?"
BOY: " That's Jai."
*girl smirks and looks at him*
by coco.pops December 1, 2017
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Jay is the only person who makes me smile everyday.
Jay... My man, my darling, my life... You're my everything.
by ChunnyBunny November 19, 2020
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The best person Ive ever been with who makes me smile and laugh i love you to the moon and back
I’m so happy to have met Jay!
by livelaughliana January 22, 2022
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