Id want that!
by ALOHA WHO DIZ March 31, 2017
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The word "id" means "I'm Doomed". For example think you are playing games with your friend/s and someone is attacking you and you have low health,so you say "I'm Doomed" because you are about to die so..
*you are afk
Friend: Oh no!
Me: *afk
Friend: Someone is attacking you!
Me: Ok i'm back
Me: id :(
by IIidkwhattodowithmylifeII February 24, 2018
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This is a shorter version of “idiot”, the root for the word “id”. This is for those whose vocabulary usually consists of some form of insult toward another.
Insulter: *mumbles* You id…your so dumb…
Insultee: I'm not an id!
by PersonWhoIsSomething-Lizterine January 17, 2005
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id = idiot. created by katherine, brynn, mia, and jamie (abbreviation) pronounced like the beginning of idiot
katherine: stop being an id
brynn: ur the id here
mia: what’s an id

jamie: a abbreviation for idiot u id
by ieatspheres November 21, 2018
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Derived from the word "idiot". Someone who mistakes the obvious so often that those around him/her do not go even through the trouble of calling them the three-syllable word "idiot" anymore.
"So Julius Caesar invented the Caesar salad AND ruled over the Roman Empire?"

"Wow, you're such an id."
by Tom-R March 9, 2010
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id means the same as idea.
If you write ID, it means identification or identificate.
Person 1: Did you know that?
Person 2: I had no id.
Person 1: ID yourself.
Person 2: I am person 2.
by DJona June 20, 2007
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an item that's pretty much only useful to be able to buy cigarettes and alcohol.

I go to the store. I go to the cashier and say, let me get two Newports. The cashier says you have "ID". I say the excuse i left it at home. The cashier automatically wont sell it to me all because of the stupid smoking and drinking age laws.
by tatomuck2 August 31, 2008
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