A term used primarily for Xbox purposes when someone, mainly bks get ragged on by 1337 players. Such as, Gh0sT CLUTCHHHH and Andric32.
Brett kept making fun of Anthony because he kept going -9 on Halo, so Anthony screamed "Hop off my swingset!!!111" and turned his Xbox off.
by Clutch54UC3333 September 5, 2008
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Synonymous with "hop off my dick". A phrase primarily used to tell someone to "stop sucking up to me".
Hannah: Josh, you are so smart and attractive.

Josh: Hop off my Johnson!

*Hannah begins crying and runs away embarrassed*
by Laffs November 14, 2011
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A phrase, similar to, get off me or hop off my nuts.
Not to be taking literally.
Use this phrase when some one is constantly pestering or annoying an individual.
guy1:are we there yet?
guy1:i need to take a shit
guy2:hold it in
guy1:im hungry, buy me somthing
guy2seriously bro, you need to hop off my sattle.
by getoffmebrosky12 August 28, 2010
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Andrew told the girls that were bugging him for cell phone pictures, "Hop off the main Dang!" You are worse than the paparazzi!
by akafishmn January 7, 2010
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Stop being a faggit.
I told the homosexual "hop off my dick"! Because i did not like that he was hitting on me.
by PartyGuy(C) May 15, 2007
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Some who constantly favorites every one of your tweets but has never had a direct conversation with you on twitter.
Bro 1: This chick keeps favoriting all my tweets but never tries to start a conversation with me.
Bro 2: What the fuck dude? She needs to hop off your tweet dick!
Bro 1: Fuck yea, that bitch needs to hop off my tweet dick
by Brosoph Jones May 14, 2015
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