A man you can compare anyone or anything you don't like to.

Do you disagree with someone? Is it especially concerning political views? Hitler is the ever-convenient figure you can always compare them to! Hitler's Nazi regime murdered 6 million Jews, and was responsible for the deaths of over 50 million people in World War II, making him the ultimate embodiment of human evil. But don't let those heavy details keep you from comparing him to anyone you disagree with, no matter how blatantly ignorant of history and disrespectful of his victims it makes you look.

Think government health care is wrong? No problem! Compare its proponents to Hitler. Does drilling oil offshore and in Alaska get under your skin? Just play the good old Hitler card against the drilling supporters. Hell, the comparison even works with rival sports teams you don’t like.

Photos of people you don't like or agree with can easily be "Hitlerized" with the simple addition of a small mustache and swept bangs on the forehead.
President Bush/Obama is just like Hitler because he started a war/gives good speeches.
by Crixxxx January 19, 2011
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Great leader who managed to take over a government and almost took over Europe. For this he should get the "crazy military leader of the forever award."
Hitler was a Bad Ass who most people refer to him as "crazy" but you have to ask yourself "WWHD" What Would Hitler Do?
by Scott on the hill November 4, 2007
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the worst person in history, the devil himself and the most evil thing to ever live. a non-human heartless coward bitch who felt inadequate and needed to feel better and somehow deal with his menyal illness. Jealous of the Jewish people and how awesome they are!
hitler is fucking gay, he is in hell right now.
by Robin Norbi May 15, 2005
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The original emo kid. Wrote Mein Kampf (my stuggle) and probably would have posted it on livejournal if he had one.
see: emo
dear livejournal,
today my girlfriend and i are gonna kill ourselves. it'll be totally rad. i also got this super cool haircut that covers my eyes and makes me look like a super cool emo kid.
by mystarsdied April 30, 2007
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A general all-around nice guy. That is, except for him being a raving lunatic who liked to kill people for no reason and take over countries to give more land to the "perfect race". See asshole
Nazi: Hiel Hitler!!!!
Any other person besides Nazi or KKK member: Die bitch!
(Shoots Nazi in head who dies)
by A dood August 3, 2005
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even though hitler did alot of bad things for this world, he did some good, he created the autobahn which the US freeways are based off of, the man had an amazing ability to lead a group as a leader, he didnt always do the right thing, but influinced the world in a big way
hitler crated the autobahn, the us freeways are based off of it
by Ryan Squillace April 8, 2006
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