What your aunt think of you when you fix Internet problem by just restarting the Wi-Fi router.
Aunt: "Larry, my internet is not working since 2 days"
Larry: *restarts the router*
Internet: *works*
Aunt: "Oh my gaaaaawsh!! Larry, are you a hacker or what??"
*proceeds to give him a blowjob*
by IghtImma January 3, 2020
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A person who killed you in an online videogame that killed you fair and square, but in denial, you claim that they are cheating in some sort of way because CLEARLY you are the absolute BEST at the game that you have chosen to play.
This stupid "hacker" killed me in fortnite man!
by Trigger131 July 19, 2019
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When People In Fortnite Make Excuses béa aise that guy is too good
by DoddyDude08 January 12, 2020
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An MIT word that describes pranksters.
In MIT talk, hackers are really known as crackers
Dude, did you see the latest hack?
Hackers put a huge dick on the Great Dome
by George March 8, 2004
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Pre-Morris Worm:

A programmer who uses low-level features of a computer language or protocol (a hack) to produce results which canonical use can not.

Post-Morris Worm:

A criminal who steals computing resources and data through unauthorized access.
I used to consider myself a LISP hacker, but since the sendmail debacle, I had to change my .finger to say "wizard" to keep our idiot congressmen from locking me up for redefining the comma operator.
by Carl Klapper May 14, 2006
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A sociopath who is good at computers

Also see: InfoSec
Alice: I heard you were a hacker from the OG cyber underground.
Bob: I'm not a hacker, I'm a CISSP.

Mallory: Oh, well in that case, here is some money.
by dead drop bob February 1, 2016
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Prolly one of the best computer based movies i have ever seen...Angelina Jolie is the best !!!
Hackers has the best sountrack
by Andreid June 6, 2005
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