Foie gras is considered a luxury food product made of the liver of a duck or goose that has been especially fattened. By French law, foie gras is defined as the liver of a duck or goose fattened by force-feeding corn with a feeding tube, a process also known as gavage. In Spain and other countries, it is occasionally produced using natural feeding. Ducks are force-fed twice a day for 12.5 days and geese three times a day for around 17 days. Ducks are typically slaughtered at 100 days and geese at 112 days.
"I think today I'll try some Pate de fois gras with my lunch'
by karientoch March 19, 2019
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A holiday normally celebrated in Louisiana. A holiday all about parades,beads, and food. A time right before Lent. Also a time where you can throw party's for no reason and another reason to get out of school.
Lyndsay-Hey are you going down to New Orleans for Mardi Gras this year?
Caroline-Yah and I'm gonna get soo many beads and not come back to school!
Lyndsay-Alright have fun
by Linzzzz February 1, 2008
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"Gras bra" is a malformed version of gracias brother, which is slang for the common phrase Thank You. "Gras bra" first saw widespread use in the Pacific Northwest, especially in Ashland, Oregon. Notable users of the term include Joel Seinfeld, Brady Brim-DeForest, Malcolm Holt, Sol Weisbard, and Brandon Hale. The term has since spread to small pockets in Los Angeles and New York City.
That new CD you gave we was sweet. Gras bra.
by Brady Brim-DeForest April 29, 2004
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This is a way to degrade a girl, by cumming all over her face and then throwing glitter so it sticks to her face. This way she looks like the girls in the mardi gras day parade in new orleans.
That sorrostitute got mardi grased last night, she didn't know what to do when I hit her with that blue and gold glitter. There she was just shining like gimmering star.
by RBI April 25, 2008
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the day by which most people choose to drink to the point of severe intoxication followed by chaos, debauchery, nudity, animalistic sex acts, ritualistic pagan sacrifice, and grave digging, with occasional necrophelia,and a dash of pedophilia.
At no point does this mention Jesus, or the comming of the Lenten know, that time of year where Jesus sacrificed himself for the good of all man
"Hey,everyone, lets all go down to Mardi Gras!!!!"
by Tobias Toberson March 1, 2006
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A big friggin carnival party that lasts one day in France, but lasts for several days here...The capitol of which is in New Orleans, Louisianna. The object is to collect the most extravagant bead necklaces and have fun.

THE GOOD: Parades, celebrations, and exotic costumes. Movie stars. Exotic masks & bead necklaces can cause, wild girls (drunk or sober) to flash their tits to ya in order to get em.

THE BAD: Rare occaisions that deal with pick-pocketers, thugs, drugs, and psychos running around with syringes filled with their HIV infected blood to randomly stab folks wit.

THE UGLY: Mardi Gras can have filthy streets and back allies.
I've been to Mardi Gras too many times...and each time got worse and worse than the one before!
by Joshiro007 March 2, 2003
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1. People who come to New Orleans at times other than Mardi Gras and make asses of themselves.

2. Those who buy into the idea that New Orleans is a 24 hour party all year.
"Why does that asshole have all those beads on his neck? It's October. Fucking Tardi Gras
by kemistree4 August 27, 2010
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