A person who takes advantage of a situation and is very smug about the outcome.
jimbo was a right rabbit grabber at the oxfam bin
by Matt Walkerdine April 22, 2007
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A male, usually younger, who enjoys picking up, dating, and/or having sexual relations with women in their late 40's and up.
Look at him hitting on that MILF - he's such a granny grabber.
by Michael Lark August 14, 2007
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1. Noun;
- Naked man who bends over to grab soap in shower, when other naked man, pops up behind him, and begins willing buttrape. Commonly used as insult
1. //Listens to McCain debate- Oh my crap, man! That McCain guy's such a frickin' soap grabber!
by Lily Jorgan February 2, 2009
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When a girls breast region is intentionally touched in any way.
'Dude, you pushed me into her and now she thinks I'm an apple grabber.'
by pornstormin November 5, 2009
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Axel Grabber---Abnormally large hemrrhoids
If this fucking truck dos'nt stop going down this hill you might have to use your axel grabbers to help slow us down!
by vernon dutton January 20, 2004
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A self-confessed sex offender; a man who gropes, kisses, or touches female genitals and other body parts without consent and then brags about it.

A pussy-grabber deludes himself into thinking his groping is welcome by 'any woman' due to his status (such as wealth, power, or fame) and that even women who are married should submit to his sexual advances.
A few quotes from a pussy-grabber ~

"I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait."

"When you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything...grab them by the pussy...anything."

"I moved on her and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married."
by Rex Tyrannosaur December 30, 2016
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when either a guy or girl is standing up, and they bend over and grab their ankles while recieving anal sex.
as long as there's lube and a condom, i'm an ankle grabber! oh, and hopefully something to bite down on.
by regina.is.smith June 7, 2007
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