Indian version of the rhetorical question 'Is the Pope Catholic?' A good alternative, especially among international cultured crowds. A hit at Indian parties where sarcasm and samosas are welcome.
Judy: Look! That cute guy is coming over to talk to me. Do I have spinach in my teeth?
Rachna: Is the Pope Catholic? Was Gandhi hungry?
Judy: Damn! He's walking away. I think he saw.
by Hukra September 12, 2010
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When 'Gandhi' has acquired a firebomb/molotov, whoever he calls 'Gandhi Rule' on, must stand still and let 'Gandhi' burn him to death.
Gandhi : Hey Ognjen you fuckwit, Gandhi Rule!!
by usheryeeaahh May 29, 2019
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Named after the assasinated Indian leader, this rather colourful expression refers to the stinging burning sensation one experiences in one's anus when shitting out a curry of the vindaloo or phal variety (i.e.
Wow my arsehole is killing me!
Well that's Gandhi's revenge - you shouldn't have had that vindaloo last night.
by ant August 9, 2004
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Person 1: "Hey, have you heard of Lee Gandhi?"
Person 2: "No, who is that?"
Person 1: "Lee Gandhi'z nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!! gottee"
by boobo123 September 8, 2020
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The act of wanking (jerking off) using both your feet, which gives you the appearance of sitting in the same position as Gandhi might have.
I had a mental Gandhi Wank last night whilst watching 24
by SpunkFoam May 22, 2009
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In League of Legends, when a player wards in the worst spots, and it somehow works.
This Lucian was Gandhi warding the wight camp, and I died when he caught me out.
by ForGreatEvil June 27, 2014
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Someone who tries to end hatred and promote world peace by passing extremely potent gas.
Well done fartma gandhi, the world is at peace but it sure is stinky
by dickie_bird July 27, 2008
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