The humoristic graffiti and artwork masterpiece of the legendary Cash Money Brothers. A true freak.
Check out his colaborations with Joker, wimp or Chill'n'Force Project in the early 90s.
by Nate1 January 2, 2005
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The Force is a field of power that is meant to serve those who are worthy. The Jedi treat the Force as a burden. They refuse to accept its true nature.
The following allows those who believe in true power to glimpse the true nature of the Force:
Peace is a lie. There is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain vitory.
Through victory, ny chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
by LORD REVAN April 19, 2005
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A special drink, a mix of beer, vodka and other ingerdence to make for an eventful night
Every time I drink the Force, bitches get naked
by KingCobra April 18, 2005
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a phenomina that allowing the moving or interactions on objects in the physical world
zomg he just moved that stove! Its magic!

Its not magic, its force dumbass.
by blarghy Mic Flargh May 26, 2009
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A power of some sort that only Jedi's can control.
Luke- I don't feel it...
Obi Won- yea, you can...just go with the feeling...
Luke- what feeling?
Obi Won- the one in your pants...

Only Jedi's can control this force.
by I ate a fish July 11, 2008
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Sitting on the shitter and pushing as hard as you can
Your face goes red and you get all sweaty
by assman November 17, 2003
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