He's the type of nigga to wear the same fucking outfit everyday and got drenched in fucken mud and never take a shower, also has ashy knees, and is a reason you should use proactivate
Felipe is gay
by Djskajayuausjx June 2, 2017
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he is a fucking beach. a mother fucker. he will destroy the world. fat acce
Felipe is the Spanish variant of the name Philip, which derives from the Greek adjective Philippos "friend of horses". Felipe is also widely used in Portuguese-speaking Brazil alongside Filipe, the form commonly used in Portugal.
by The bad ass 1234 March 18, 2022
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Felipe is a hot skater that is my boo. He is smart, Nice, funny and everything you can think of!
Oh shit

My bitch CAME in and HIS name is (Felipe)
by Madarajenny November 27, 2018
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Bald, nosy annoying busy body that jumps into things that do not concern him and make them about him. Accuses people of things that they have not done to make them seem as pathetic as he really is. Uses people that are to stupid to realize that they are being used a Felipe can be found hiding in crowds behind his fat wife.
There is baldy over there?
Where? Who?
Felipe. He is over there with his wife acting like he has a right to be up here.
Loser. He accused me of some fake crap yesterday that he actually did.
Bald fuck.
by lichee January 18, 2011
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a man a man that is possibly a weirdo who stalks you or companions
im being paedod down by a randy felipe
by james felipe August 6, 2006
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Fat Mexican with mole that plays Fortnite all day
Oh no Felipe is playing again
by Oofniator3000 May 27, 2018
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The biggest fuckboy one can meet. Ladies, stay away from this douchebag.
Felipe is a FUCKBOY!
by PixelDonkeyVegan October 7, 2018
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