An old person. Cause they are so old the fart dust.
Man, that dust farter sure is cranky in his old age.
by Aron S October 20, 2008
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A website featuring a Toronto-based woman, Leah Treacy, hunched over a cake and passing gas. It was produced by her then boyfriend, Wayne Schiff, who posted it on YouTube. Within minutes, traffic overwhelmed the site as hundreds of thousands of people were attempting to trick their friends into watching a woman breaking wind over a cake.
Leah Treacy from Toronto is a major Cake Farter. She and her then boyfriend, Wayne Schiff, posted a video of her anally blowing the candles on her birthday cake, instead of the usual oral method.
by Dolphus Tittius February 28, 2011
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1) A person who expels bodily gasses post gay sex.

2) A female who fanny farts, launching the ejaculated seaman at the male who produced the fluid.

3) An insult to a male you dislike, insinuating that the male is of a homosexual nature and generally unpleasant.
1) Lover 1: Oh I appear to have done a fart and some of your spunk fired out, does that make me a spunk farter?

Lover 2: Yes.

2) As above

3) Shut up spunk farter.
by Andy & Tammy November 9, 2006
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individuals who, for whatever reason, frequently pass gas, and whether or not they find it amusing, are inclined to resorting to physical violence or threats of violence to quell complaints and criticism
Guy 1: Dude, how'd you get that black eye?

Guy 2: Gary clocked me in the eye after I complained about his smelly fart during the meeting.

Guy 1: He's one of those tough farters, huh?
by Saint NoWhere May 14, 2010
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The act of farting around others and trying to cover the fart noise with another noise such as coughing, clapping, banging on something, etc.
"Did that guy just ninja fart or was he really coughing that loud?"
"Jessica, you are such a ninja farter...we all know why you were really clapping."
by Joey3 April 10, 2006
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someone that is lazy as shit, who acts like they're doing something but are really doing nothing.
ashley you're such a twat waffle stop being a doodle farter.
by Jessica A. P. November 17, 2008
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Whereby someone takes the blame for the fart of another person in order to prevent that person's emotional distress.
For example, Scott is very distressed during exam week and has an upset stomach. Scott farts silently in the conference room, but Josh, in recognition of Scott's distress, takes the blame for said fart in order to prevent Scott from having a psychological breakdown. Josh is a farter martyr.
by b;ahabalakjka March 23, 2016
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