A treacy, or treacius sillicus in latin, is an act of mistake, that happens to 1 out of 14 of us reports NASA.
When a man is having loving sexual intercourse with his partner, A treacy is when for some unexpected reason, the man sneezes whilst ejaculating and by a serious of unfortunate events, he unwillingly relaxs his anus muscle (the glorious sphinter muscle), and deficates on or around his partner, (soon to be Ex).
When a man is having loving sexual intercourse with his partner, A treacy is when for some unexpected reason, the man sneezes whilst ejaculating and by a serious of unfortunate events, he unwillingly relaxs his anus muscle (the glorious sphinter muscle), and deficates on or around his partner, (soon to be Ex).
Jim Boy - "Hey, did you hear that Colin pulled a treacy in Jacinta last night after we left the indian restraunt?" Claude - "Oh no, Jimbo.... Was she alright? .... After the last time I thought we lost her!"
by Caffo November 8, 2009
mostly a irish male.funny but can be annoying at times.but can get men to like him as a friend but women more than that.their body size is good.dirty blonde hair.
by dudemeister2K11 February 8, 2011
a beautiful, amazing, funny, nice girl who everyone should be friends with because she is so caring and generous
by sexyybeastt1188 June 8, 2020