Call of drunky is a drinking game involving Call of Duty 4. It is played best with a mixed drink, but beer works as well. The rules are simple. For every 3 deaths one gets, a drink must be taken. If a UAV (3 kill streak) is achieved, one must drink. For an airstrike (5 kill streak) two drinks must be had. For a helicopter (7 kill streak) three drinks must be had. If one is lucky enough to get a 10 kill streak, everything left in the cup should be chugged. Also, if one is killed by, or kills with, a headshot, noob tube, claymore, C4, RPG, knife, grenade, direct impact, or a team kill, a drink is required. It is best played with six people who are all also playing this game. It is designed so that no matter if you are doing good or bad, you will get fucked up.
Dude I just got a UAV, airstrike, helicopter and two headshots! I have to take 8 sips! Agh, I'm so fucked up from Call of Drunky 4.
by Thurkagord February 28, 2009
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A guy who drinks excessively and does obscene things like piss at a stop sign in the middle of the street and when caught by the cops he tells them he threw up, a guy that shows to work drunk almost every day and drinks so much that he actually passes for not being drunk at all. A guy who is a Marine and about to be a private.
Drunky McDouche Bag Frankie got a DUI over the 96 weekend and then a few weeks later went surfing in the bed of a pickup truck while drunk on a freeway at 80 miles an hour.
by whitethunder619 January 25, 2011
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Rums nickname. A drunken slob that will make off with your checkbook at the drop of a hat.

He shows up in the Pit with his brainless incomplete half sentences and uses words where he's not totally clear of their definition. He claims that all of the broads are close personal friends of his until they each show up and discount his claims with a hearty "Drop dead Rum"
Hey, why must you show up loaded all of the time? . . You're such a Drunky Draws
by jazzmanintx March 13, 2011
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A person who is so addicted to alcohol that will even gay prostitute his butt hole for $2.50 to buy one 25 ounzer of the cheapest beer.
Do you see that drunky he sold me his booty for a beer.
by smarty1 August 17, 2014
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The pictures you spam your friends camera roll with while under the influence of alcohol, typically done at a party on or near a college campus.
"I looked on my phone this morning after I woke up and saw that Jeni took 20 drunkies last night!"
by athleticshoes September 25, 2017
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People that are completely wasted or drunk
They are a bunch of drunkies


Me and my friend are drunkies
by JayIJ March 3, 2019
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Just two fan girls having fun, getting drunk or getting high, living the life you know.
Omg look at what Drunky and Stoney posted on their instagram story! They’re so funny, Post Malone, WOW!
by drunkyandstoney October 6, 2019
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