when somebody is heartbroken about somebody but they so friendly
boy you a distress ass joe with ur friendly ass
by kroybetter July 4, 2023
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When a man is in danger and needs saving by a woman rather than the opposite.
Person 1: Hey did you see that new James Cameron film where the guy needed to be saved by that badass chick
Person 2:Yeah I did, He's a daniel in distress rather than being the hero of the story
by daniel needs saving February 20, 2019
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Refers to either of two similarly-unhealthful "wound up" conditions:
(1) The fiercely-strong "internal burning" and obsessive determination that Indiana Jones had felt ever since he was a boy to recover the Cross of Coronado and donate it to Marcus Brody's museum for display in their collection of Spanish antiquities.
(2) Frustration/tedium-provoked high blood pressure, heart-palpitations, etc. suffered by a feverishly-aggravated returnable-containers collector who is repeatedly compelled to laboriously shake/rinse out slimy globs of rotted lime from each and every discarded Corona Light bottle that he comes across.
Why can't beer-imbibers just add lemon juice to their bottled drinks 'stedda stuffin' in huge chunks of whole limes?! I mean, don't get me wrong, now --- I **do indeed** deeply appreciate it when generous folks around town give me their huge "after da party" piles of empties to cash in, but still... I am soooooo totally gonna get a major case of coronary distress (not to mention carpel tunnel syndrome if I hafta keep abusin' my poor weak wrists) from my agonized shakin' out of all da 0%!$&#!@ fruit-blobs from every single bleepin' one of all these narrow-necked bottles here, not to mention havin' to also slosh-rinse each bottle afterwards in my water-filled 5-gallon plastic bucket here, to remove da stinky-moldy pulp-residues! (Sorry, but I respect the hard-workin’ redemption-center staff far too much to give them filthy-messy bottles, thank you very much!) And THEN of course, I’m also gonna hafta CLEAN UP ALL DA SLOPPY ROTTEN CITRUS-CLUMPS outta my door-yard after I get done processing my returnables, so that visitors don't slip on them or track in yuckies onto my nice clean carpet!
by QuacksO November 17, 2018
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by psychoBBY August 16, 2023
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this is a distress call please help November just came to my house and put me in a sack full of rapper memorabilia and threw me inside of a Gorillaz fan page please help
I will not listen to Distress Call No 1
by psychoBBY November 6, 2022
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A generalized pain "down there" that a horny guy feels when in the company of one or more attractive females whom he'd like to be intimate with.
There is no known treatment/cure for intesticle distress, although the sharp aching and other more severe symptoms can often be dulled somewhat by totally "relieving the pressure" --- either by having a long period of hot 'n' heavy intercourse with someone or by simply "spanking the monkey" till you're completely "drained" --- right beforehand, so that your guy-junk will be totally weak and exhausted for a while, and so even a strong emotional desire for female flesh will not spur much if any embarrassing/awkward physical reaction between your legs while any of the desirable gals in question are in close proximity with you.
by QuacksO December 30, 2017
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