a coke addict. Refers to a deviated septum, which many chronic and heavy users of cocaine suffer due to erosion of the tissues in the inner nose.
I'd stay away from that septumal deviant, all she's got on her brain is that wack ass crack.
by Chomsky66 October 26, 2007
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a place where emo people submit their artwork for other emo people to see
i am emo and i go to deviant art
by Bob203934 February 2, 2009
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Usually male but in some cases female. An individual who sits in their basement for hours and hours, looking for porn and watching porn. Once the habit takes over their life they are now a deviant smut fiend.
Hey have you seen Bob around?
No I heard that he became a Deviant Smut Fiend.
Shit man that sucks.
Sure does.
by Deviant Smut Fiend January 31, 2010
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A song by the band Cradle of Filth. It is known more famously as "That on song that says the Lord's Prayer in a creepy voice when played backwards." The song played backwards can be found on the infamous internet prank "Subliminal Messages." Many find the song more disturbing when played forward than backwards. You can find both versions of the song on YouTube if you don't feel the need to download it.
Person 1: Have you ever heard "Dinner at Deviant's Palace" by Cradle of Filth?

Person 2: Oh, isn't that that one song that says the Lord's Prayer in a creepy voice when it's played backwards?

Person 1: Yeah!

Person 2: Oh yeah! I heard it on that internet prank! It scared the shit out of me!
by Lina D May 2, 2007
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A place for a bunch of assholes, who claim anything is their work when it's really not, then they all gang up against you and go to court, then you have to pay a fucking fine of 500 bucks, also a place where cool emo and scene kids hang out, (emo & scene kids are really nice once you get to know them, but the emo kids are nicer then the scene kids), other then the emos and scenes, there are a whole bunch of losers, and are in love with Anime porn, and Gaia.
Normal Person: (Posts a picture of a base that she or he has worked very hard on.)
Loser With No Life: "Hey, bitch that's my base, i'm the one who made it FIRST, and I shall be the only one who makes great bases!! D<"
Normal Person: um.. link me to ur base plz.
Loser With No Life: Link
ANOTHER Loser With No Life: They are the same, just give ____ the credit they deserve!
Normal Person: but thats mine i didnt take it i worked my fucking ass off for the picture/base!!
ANOTHER Loser With No Life: u go girl
Normal Person: UMM, WTF.
(Normal Person gets sued in cart for $500.)
Example - Deviant Art / DeviantArt
by Normal Person -_- April 7, 2011
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A website were any character can be turned into a big funking blueberry with big ass and other features people who make these are funking disgusting and should go see what grass looks like . Normally little stans will look up cool anime character girls to get very hard
Example look at greggory he looks at deviant art all days hes such a fucking little hard hat little melt he has no freinds and should not deserver any freinds
by The_meta_7 May 22, 2022
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Someone who doesn’t know how to mind their own business, who continually interrupts conversations and puts their opinion in without being asked. Always prowling for a conversation to intercept.
I can’t get a word in without being interrupted by Neil, he’s such a conversation deviant
by Defrosted March 12, 2018
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