Wife, girlfriend, someone you wanna smash.
I love my Demon, she fine as hell
by 6uggs January 26, 2021
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"The demon is dead, by my hands!" -Elite after killing the Master Chief

"Kill the demon!" -Prophet of Truth upon Master Chief's being teleported into High Charity
by an elite July 2, 2009
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A demon is a girl, who on the hotness scale can range anywhere from a 4 to an 7 but with the use of tricksy tactics can increase her image by 3 to 4 points!

Here are some useful tips to spot a demon.

1. Ask your friends, "is she hot?" If there is a general argument as to if she's hot or not, most likely she's a demon trying to break your friendship apart.

2. If she's wearing sunglasses, she's either trying to keep the sun out of her eyes or hide the fact that she's a demon. the latter statement is probably the most plausible. Remember the bigger the glasses, the more she's trying to hide.
3. This ones almost a dead giveaway every time. If the "Demon" in question is standing near a bunch of ugly chicks, she's trying to make herself look better.

Here are some tips to defeat demons.
1. This way is the best. Have a very beautiful woman with you at all times ( an Angle). the angle will vanquish the demon, and help demons stand out in crowds, for easy aversion.
2. Yell DEMON very loudly and run away. This will alert everyone around and the demon will be foiled, forcing it to practice its black magiks elsewhere.
3. Use common evil vanquishing tactics, i.e.: swords, silver bullets, garlic, etc.
4. Have a Worlock/Druid/Wizard. assist you. Worlcks/Druids/Wizards know spells to send the demon backeth weherth cometh.
-innocent young man:

Oh, i'm so stoked for mission trip, there will be so many babes.
-Innocent young man 2: i know right.
#mission trip begins#

innocent young man 1: there are no hotties on this trip what a rip off of $600
-Innocent young man2: I know right.
#3 days into mission trip#

IYM1: hey that babe is pretty bablisious right?
IYM2: no man she's just slightly better looking than all the other girls.
IYM1 and IYM2: .... (look at each other) DEMON!!!!
by gorillazzord August 29, 2010
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A person with red eyes and a cold presence who feels nothing and craves blood. Can be male or female, usually has a cool name like Ezra or something. Hurts himself and everyone else. Immortal.
Man Charles Manson killed all those people hes a demon
by ezra666 December 7, 2011
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Someone from hell, usually doing evil stuff and acting all crazy. Also, angels from hell are demons, but they don't come out.
Jack: Hey, Hunter, why's Paul painting a dick on a fence?
Hunter: Oh, he's just a demon.
Jack: We better stop him before he paints anything else.
by Frankster3214 June 10, 2015
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To put down, diss, de-glorify your ex-partner with the hopes of getting over them quicker and easing the pain.
by DeweyB May 7, 2006
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1. An evil mythological being
2. Someone who is menacingly good at something
1. The demon killed Joe and ate his soul.
2. Johnny is an absolute demon at running. He can guaranteed beat anyone here in a race.
by enderman_gaming2014 November 11, 2021
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