Dope AF (Dope as fuck) - There's no better acronym when the time is right! And the time is any time as long is at is DAF.
Yo those new threads are super DAF!! I see you mixin it up putting in work!
by superDAF April 28, 2019
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Dumb As Fuck
The most incredible/sick/gangster/swag/dope/bad ass/gucci/trill thing ever.
Ex. "Dude, I banged Kyle's mom last night"
"No way bro! DAF!"

Ex. "Did you see that new bitch at school yesterday?"
"Yea, that cunt had a fat ass."
"She was looking DAF".
by hululover December 3, 2014
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DAF stands for Dumb Ass Fuck. Derived from D-VIZ.
You are a fucking DAF.

You are acting like a serious DAF.
by Riley Pay September 26, 2008
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dope as fuck. it could be a person or a thing.
"Ralph is DAF, he owns the dance floor."
"That shirt is DAF."
by chococrospies April 14, 2008
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A word based on the acronym D.A.F., meaning Down as Fuck. A term commonly used to accept invitation to a social event or gathering, such as a party, mobbing, shindig, etc. Basically the same as saying "I'm down", though much cooler and eccentric.
Karl: Yo Gary, you down to go to that mobbing party at the Shindigersons tonight?

Gary: Heck ya, man. I'm daffing.

Karl: Cool, dude. I'm glad you accepted my invitation to this social gathering at the Shindigersons.
by Euphoric Maniac October 1, 2010
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A DAF is where you hit someone who is acting Dumb As Fuck. DAFing can happen at anytime or any moment of the day. DAFs mostly go to one who do not think when they speak or if they are just full blown dumb as fuck
by Ty2424 February 2, 2010
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