The expression said when notes or chords are sung or played and they sound really dissonant.
Really awesome chord is sung by a choir
Girl: "Crunchy!"
by Sopranoalto December 15, 2010
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1. Shut the fuck up you crunchy ass bitch!
2. You are so crunchy...

3a Something happens
3b (reaction) "crunchy..."
by Ink Boy Green February 25, 2020
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Adjective: a white person who is not a complete dick, having intriguing interests more than Starbucks and yoga pants with ugg boots and/or bro-like. Someone who respects other people and contributes to the world.
That white dude is hella crunchy.
by BabyG_bgirl January 20, 2020
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The main stalk in a lettuce leaf that provides a crunchy texture and ruins a good salad
This salad was mostly crunchies which made it basically inedible
by Mbwata December 27, 2017
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Used to describe something fun and awesome.
the comedy show last night was SO crunchy!
by VeronicaLove December 17, 2010
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Nickname used by tankers for infantry soldiers. Refers to the noise they make when the tank runs 'em over.
Don't steer tool close to that wall. Some crunchies are nearby.
by t26e4 March 12, 2014
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Early 90's Middle/High school people used to say someone must feel crunchy after being dissed or feeling stupid or bad because they did something stupid. It's usually said after someone tries to look cool and then somehow they end up looking like a fool.
"Jimmy talked mad game about Lisa liking him, but today he said Hi to her and she completely ignored him. I bet he's feeling crunchy as a mofo right now."

"You ripped your pants! Ohhhhh!! Feelin' crunchy?"

After something embarrassing happens to your friend you say: "On a scale from 1-10 how crunchy do you feel?" or "Man you must be feeling crunchy" or "So crunchy.."
by juiceyjon January 5, 2015
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