1. (noun) A motorcycle falling under the class: "sport bike". Traditionally used in motorcycle racing because of their high performance, crotch rockets are instantly recognizable due to the fact that the engine is completely covered by the body of the bike, and the operator looks as though he is "riding a rocket". Visualize a person sitting horizontally on a rocket flying through the air, now imagine that rocket is slowly becoming a motorcycle, but the rider maintains that "rocket riding" position. Now stop using your imagination and you have the visual of a crotch rocket. They're fucking gay. Unless you are using them for racing, you should not be riding one.

Most likely the rider is a complete douchebag who spent too much money on some Japanese piece of shit so he can weave through busy traffic and piss people off. Basically the sole cause of the bad stigma attached to motorcyclists, because of their disproportionally high accident rate and jackass driving habits.
"A Kawasaki Ninja is a crotch rocket."

"Dude I borrowed my buddy's crotch rocket to go to _____________ last week, I went 300 miles in two hours down the interstate. Good thing I didn't hit a rock on the road. Did I mention I cut off at least sixty people and caused three accidents in my wake?"
by dougdougdoug August 18, 2007
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Bike to fast for fag ass harley riders and buick drivers. Picks up to much ass. Not heavy enough to support your fat ass date that you picked up at your family reunion, and has no place to mount a SISSY bar.
Sissy bar. Who's the fag?
by drunk rider February 11, 2004
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A Motorcycle that goes really fast and shocks all the guys when they realize that it was a chick that just blew them away!
"If You Can Read This The Bitch Just Passed Your Ass!"
by Kristy January 17, 2004
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An extremely painful prank for the crotch-rocketed in which the two crotch-rocketeers stand in front and behind their victim, grab each others hands under his crotch, yell "Crotch Rocket!!!" yank, and send that poor, screaming sob sky-high.
Tom: Hey Mark and Terry! Wanna go to... why are guys standing so --

Mark and Terry: CROTCH ROCKET!!!

by damarius February 23, 2009
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noun1.Euphemism for a man's penis

noun2.A man who is known to be exceptionally vigorous during copulatitive episodes.

1: "I was sat on the bus, and damn me if i didn't have the biggest crotch rocket of my life, i had to wait 4 stops 'till it went down!"

2: "I was with Bob last night, he's a real crotch rocket!"
by jymjim April 5, 2003
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Fuck the redneck, inbred mutha fucker with the buick if he don't like crotch rockets why is he on here? go fuck your granny and have some more kids fag!
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