A young black king whose personality and humble nature attracts you. At first, you might be tempted to see him at the superficial level, especially when compared to other more “hip” or “trendy” guys. But, when you pull back the layers of his awesome and dope spirit, you see instantly that he’s way more than meets the eye. And for that, you truly appreciate who he is.
Friend 1: Hey girl, do you see that keyboardist over there? The one with the square rimmed glasses?

Friend 2: Him?? Don’t you think he’s a little corny?

Friend 1: Hmm maybe, but that’s exactly what I like about him.
by cassiebee July 20, 2018
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man, is she on her period, or is she just corny?
by twofingahzleft May 12, 2015
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I like to take it up the corny.
by hapakun February 22, 2008
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Corny: adjective. Derived from the world known 'corn shit'.
ie. I had a really 'corny shit' this morning. My stool had bits of corn in it.
by Good Chris April 21, 2004
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Niggas are corny
by September 3, 2021
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When some one act or displays unwilling action toward a person place or thing
You are so corny for waiting for her to call you so corny.
by Allahdjinn - Ace September 29, 2007
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One who asks or speaks in a way that is especially and embarassifly corny. One who tries to act cool, but is actually very uncool indeed.
"You know that Sheila Brienne and Sarah Nicole? I heard they installed a tire swing."
"Oh I'm not even surprised. What a couple of corny asses"
by NotSarahNicole December 14, 2016
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