Short for company. Usually used when communicating through text messages.
You’ve been keeping me comp.

Thanks for keeping me comp.
by gotchub July 22, 2018
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A mispronunciation of the word camping
Hey we should go comping sometime!
...You mean camping?
Yea that!
by Grim6623 February 11, 2020
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a term which can be used as both an adjective and a noun, meaning someone who personifies being 'perfectly rounded with no jagged edges'. Someone who is generally nice, sweet or happy, or who looks this way.
The noun 'a comps' can be used to define a nice, lovely evening out or in watching a nice film and so on
'aw thanks for that, you're so comps!'

'you look comps today'

'are we gonna have a comps tonight?' (noun)
by Emily Blyth May 24, 2006
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1) Short for completemment

2) French version of totes; can be used in both French and English.
1) Je suis comps serieaux.

2) I am totes serious.
by Jesse! April 8, 2007
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see that flamer, i comped that kid
by WIZ February 17, 2005
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A comps leech is someone who goes on a Vegas trip that is paid for mostly by comps from the rest of the group without actually providing any comps. This parasite tends to be a redder, which explains their inability to accumulate any substantial comps. Despite receiving a free room, they refuse to pay for even a $7 cab ride. They show no appreciation for the free stuff they are receiving, and often feel entitled to even more stuff.
Mich: How come I have to sleep on the cot???

Chi Chi: Because my back hurts, and because you are a comps leech.

Mich: That's BS. I think we should take turns.

Chi Chi: Yeah we dont care what you think. Next question.
by moraleboatanchor May 2, 2013
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Short for Competitive Team Fortress 2. In North America this typically means anything going on with ESEA's 6v6 League and to a lesser extent UGC's Highlander. Comp TF2 is (un?)known for its relative seclusion from the rest of TF2, with few of TF2's Massive Playerbase aware that it even exists, and even fewer willing to make the jump from Pubs to Comp themselves. This is in contrast to Valve's other multiplayer games such as Counter-Strike and DOTA 2, where the "pros" (or at least the teams they belong to) are well-known to the typical player.
B4nny, the best player in Comp TF2, once joined a Public Server and destroyed everyone there. No one knew who he was.
by E+l=8 January 29, 2013
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