Claudia is a mysterious girl
You won't regret getting to know her, she is beautiful and sweet, she cares about her loved ones with her whole heart, she will fight for them.
Claudia hasn't always had it easy, she won't open up easily but once she does you will want to care for her deeply.
She is worth it.
"It's Claudia, she's the sweetest!"
"Is that Claudia? She's so fierce"
by AOldFriend November 24, 2021
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Claudia is a smart person who is good at drawing scary people. she is a little boy obsessed, especially with bands like why don’t we and individual singers like ruel and troye sivan.
person 1-oh i love why don’t we
person 2-you don’t love them as much as claudia
claudia(appearing out of nowhere)-you are not allowed to love why don’t we they are MINE
by iisasaltybitch December 31, 2020
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An amazing friend who is very trustworthy. Someone who is the life of the party and you should spend more time on.
That was so funny Claudia
by Yougottoknowmefamsquad January 8, 2019
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Claudia is mostly known for having amazing friends because she has high standards and will not let anyone who is less than perfect into her life. She has a bubbly and sometimes reckless personality, she is a hard egg to crack but once opened out of her she’ll is a lovely and caring yolk! She is typically a twelve year old girl with brown hair, green eyes and short!
Claudia is lucky to have friends like that!
by Claudia name definition October 10, 2018
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Got lots of friends also extremely popular. Really smart and hardworking but still loves parties and going to concerts. Can be a ranga or a brunette.
wow she’s popular
must be a claudia
by yugyt February 6, 2019
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A girl whose got stride, she better not get deported!
A spanish teachin' and speakin' machine!
You can always expect her to roll on in!
Did Claudia say "Clas-e dismiss-ed?"
by Caden F. May 28, 2021
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have you ever seen such a beauty? Claudia are weirdly amusing and funny, also hot and dirty. who wouldn`t want to meet Claudia? (but she can do non-funny jokes that makes you uncomfortable!)
-oh im so sad , what should I do
-go see the that girl
-what is her name?
by yesitsme0101 February 26, 2016
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