A crappy golf score (2 over par), but a good old-school movie night.
I would've shot par, but I hit the bunker and Double Bogeyed. Speaking of Double Bogeying, you should come on over and we'll watch: "The Maltese Facon" and "The Treasure of the Sierra Madres."
by King T April 25, 2010
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When it feels like you have a bogey in your nose, but you don't.
Guy one: Oh damn! Man, I thought i had a bogey just then!
Guy two: Chill out Carl, it was only a ghost bogey!
by swagsha November 9, 2015
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When a girl is giving you head, and refuses to let you come in her mouth, you pull out just in time to cum up her nose
Charo: Yo sen, my girl was givin me sum shit about getn married, so I pinned her down and gave her the old backwards bogey

Sen: sweet!!!
by J.p.si June 12, 2010
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a green skanky substance developed over the course of ones sleep
tom woke up and had big eye bogeys, which looked grim
by tom sturdy June 28, 2005
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Slang term said when one person asks another person for a Cigarette.
Yo bro, can I hack a bogey off you?
by xCompletely December 22, 2009
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Small brown nuggets of faeces that fall out of one's anus.

See bum nuggets
Ian keeps picking bum bogeys out of his arse and flicking them at Simon.
by mercunium November 24, 2003
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