CSGO London Major Grand Finals 1st map, casters' reaction to Dupreeh with an AutoShotgun
Blap Blap!
by Pope Clement VII September 23, 2018
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A shot (I.V. injection) of drugs.
I been sober too long. I have too much blood in my drug stream. I really want a big fat blap of drugs to get me lit.
by So Short July 1, 2017
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to blap: to hit, to strike, to brush, to bang up
1 - Give me my crips.
2 - No.
1 - Give me my crips or I will blap you.
2 - Here are your crips.

3 - That cracker stole my hat.
4 - Allow, lets go blap him.
by Steve Lewis June 14, 2004
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The act of vigorously clapping with one's boobs to congratulate the man after good sex.
The woman was blapping after the satisfying orgasm.
by Cocc Gel August 6, 2018
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A racial slur for the species of human.
John: "What's up with all these blap people."
by anal_ram September 4, 2018
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The act of breaking a window with a center punch or spark plug while car prowling.
Verb. I got some good diggles when I blapped a window last night.
by TheAwesumness March 28, 2019
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a piece of fake crack,anything that can be passed of as a rock to the unwary buyer
i sold em two blaps for forty and the dumb motherfucker came back and bought another
by e-z- money September 29, 2003
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