Your Person. Your # 1.

Jacqui and Nicki are Besties for life.

There can only be two Besties. You, and your BESTIE. There are no "groups" of besties. There are no "Three besties!"
by Nicki Young May 30, 2008
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A bestie is someone you're very close to and you share a deep passion with. Besties tell each other everything and do not have any romantic relationships with each other. Some besties even have a hand shake and all besties have many inside jokes. Besties are often of opposite genders.
Person 1: Who's your bestie?
Person 2: You wouldn't know him he goes to blueberry school.
by Kammi123 March 6, 2013
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A Bestie is a best friend but a million trillion times more better. Besties are never ever never EVER to be left or else that is not a true bestie SMH. True besties iausm each other bc they are besties and that’s what besties do. Bestie are so close they understand each other to the point they are like the same person 🤩. Besties are always there for each other even if someone keeps their phone on do not disturb 25/8. Bestie never ever EVER lie to each other and if they do they’re stupid poopy butt and they’re not a real awesome swag bestie like MY bestie. Besties are so close they have very good insides jokes that dumb stupid people who are hoes for uno wouldn’t understand. Besties are very loving and they do not want their bestie to cry bc a sad bestie is not a happy bestie and we NEEEED a happy bestie for a happy life. Besties are always there for each other and will even pull all-nighters for the bestie even if they are like dead the next day. Besties give the bessssst hugs to their other bestie bc they make a bestie happy. if your contact for ur bestie is not bestie with their name following then they need to get on it before u drop their bestie booty. Besties have psychic big booty brain bestie powers and they know what their bestie is thinking at all times. Besties live to make their bestie happy it is one of their top priorities to make their bestie the happiest bestie they can be :)
Me: Bestie that dog is so cute

Bestie: awwwwwww, to the dog
by ducky79 September 6, 2021
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When 2 girls are so close as friends they finish each other's sentences and make their other friends jelly of each other's because they just aren't as close. One besties daughter thinks they are gay together the other besties boyfriend thinks they scissor all the time. They are sisters from a different mister and extremely close but not gay together! They love each other more than words can say and love unicorns, rainbows, being perverted and just being able to be ourselves not fake and always honest with each other! A true friendship
Have you seen Danielle and Heather today, those besties are true friends and they know how to make each other laugh and happy!
by MyDefinitionsBeTROLLIN October 22, 2022
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A term stan twitter uses to refer to everyone and anyone
stream my fc bestie
omg hi bestie ifb
by melwtf January 18, 2021
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