
A small boy trap in an adult body. Regardless of the body type this person has a big heart. Will make every one grin not smile with his corny joke.
Man: Knock Knock
Girl: Who's there?
Man: Baldabid
Girl: Baldabid who?
Man: You know I'm all 'boutdabid baldabid 2x
Girl: you are so benjie
by Joker@Work April 26, 2016
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The highschools biggest fuck boy who will try to swerve his way into your pants ASAP. He probably tried to fuck you but you have to much dignity, but , he probably fisted your best friend, tbh, she probably liked it. Putting the assyness aside, he is pretty fucking lit.
"Bro! Did you hear? Benji fucked Madison! " "but...i....what?"
by RedDickJoe July 6, 2017
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He is good at everything he does and like to play soccer. He is caring and loving and obviously has a crush on someone
Man: Does someone like you

Girl: I don’t know

Man: 🤔 its probably Benjie
by Couple stalkers 😻👀 February 19, 2018
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A completely selfish, self absorbed, cheating, and lying fuckboy who doesn't give a damn about who he hurts.
Friend 1:Why is he "talking" to Carol, I thought he had a girlfriend?

Friend 2: Yea he does have a girlfriend, but he is a Benji afterall.
by TryAndRememberMe December 11, 2015
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shite like aroma, often associated with old people and the homeless
theres an awfull bang of benji off that old man over there
by the canavan April 11, 2008
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Says something seemingly factual and then decides if it was a joke or not based on the reaction of the audience and if they think he is stupid. Audience says “that’s not true at all wtf?!” A benji says “I was just kidding!”
I was getting so annoyed at Tyler in there. He was being such a benji.
by Johnno3458 July 26, 2021
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