A website used for asians and people that dont know how to use a computer and find myspace difficult it is also a place to find many drawings of dicks.
"Hey lets go on bebo and draw some dicks on peoples whiteboards."
by Harrison Warwick July 12, 2008
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Bebo is a Melody that you chant in the shower when the soap gets in your eyes.

by laffondaaa April 19, 2010
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A bebo moment, is when a individual has a moment of stupidity, or retardation on a scale so big that they cannot identify the reality of their dumbass mind.
"Dude! Your having a Bebo moment stop being a fucking retard"
"Uh oh, he's having a bebo moment. Grab the bat"
by FaggotNiggerGaming January 11, 2021
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A person who often does weird poses for pictures such as the duck mouth, Bebo stunners are often covered in fake tan and make up, whom a lot may be seen on bebo. Bebo stunners often spell very strangely and also are called "Bebo Stunahs" and "Beb0 5tunah5" and other variations exist.
This is an Example of a Bebo Stunner

Ciara : Boasting is not an attractive quality Simon.. :P
Simon: It is, its another of my superior sexy qualities
Ciara : Along with your modesty..
Simon: lol joke, im a 8E8o 5tuNnAh 2k4EvA
Ciara : You wish
by SimonsterBenson November 5, 2011
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When a user displays their age as older/younger than they actually are.
1) His bebo age is 16 but he's obviously 13.

2) Her bebo age is 99 because she doesn't want people to know her real age.
by Nick 987 February 13, 2009
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a sadistic person who goes around bebo/my space lookin 4 girls
girl: some bebo hunter wanted 2 see me naked
by davidio January 26, 2007
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A bebo stalking is the act of regularly checking up on friends/ex-girlfriends/co-workers in order to see who they are dating, chatting to, or just to see if they mention them (the stalker) in conversation.

The worst bebo stalking then involves messaging or texting the victim to harass them for their beboing activites.

Paul: The ex was texting my phone at 3am again last night, hassling me about my new girlfriend.
Andy: Who told her? We haven't even seen her. She must be bebo stalking you again, my friend.
by viio October 30, 2007
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