Asian: I'm taking all AP classes this year.
Non-Asian: You're such an Asian Person.
Asian: I know.
Non-Asian: Like they all say, AP = AP.
by pseudocoelom June 5, 2013
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when you try to type lmao drunk or just quite simply a typo
omg thats so funny ROFL
yea ;,ap
by Sry Mz Jackson w00 May 10, 2008
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You, me, anyone able to read this. An ape is anyone in the superfamily Hominoidea, including the family Hominidae (great apes), which is made up of Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Orangutans, and Humans. Not just black humans, but white, asian, hispanic, and any other type of human being.

Calling a human (regaurdless of his color) an ape is no different than calling a tiger a cat.
1. Hi, I'm able to process complex thought, therefore I am an ape.
2. I can use tools and recognize myself in the mirror, I must be an ape.
3. John: "You are an ape!"
Steve: "You too man!"
*high five*
by Beastin October 27, 2006
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All pick. A type of DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) option that is typed at the beginning of the game to allow any player to select any hero.
Host: "-ap"
by SmokeMyDistro April 1, 2006
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(Galway/Oranmore slang, Ireland)

A state of high intoxication. Severely drunk. Originally Absolutely Mouldy or AP-solutely Mouldy, then shortened to simply AP!
Howya get on last nit man?
Oh man, I actually don't remember a thing! I was fuckin' AP!
by Smalley-Mo August 7, 2010
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A spelling mistake for "lmao" When you type too fast.
Person 1: *Says A Joke*

Person 2: ;;AP!

Person 1: Learn to spell!

Person 2: Sorry, I Meant LMAO.
by August403 February 3, 2021
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Affectional, Passionate,Emotional, Sentimental !

Considered an offensive derogatory term when said to a guy.
Within the context, it could be used as a compliment when said to chicks.

N.B. when referring to a single person the letter "S" is omitted.
Women are APES.

Omar didn't leave his house crying for a week when Sarah dumped him, such a sissy APE!

Zak enjoys watching Grey's Anatomy, and his Favorite TV show is Alias, what an APE!

Nadia has PMS and just got fired, imagine how much of a moody APE she could be right now!

My girlfriend cried for an hour after we watched Griffin & Phoenix, She's the cutest APE in the world!
by TaGGaT December 16, 2008
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