Common definition of an abirritate drug addict, especially a Junkie or a Cokey
Frankie was a very nice guy, social and polite, but since he tried some shot of cocaine, he slowly became like a mindless Zombie
by Pinball Wiz April 21, 2009
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There occurance of someone drinking so much alcohol they become almost lifeless, acting solely on instinct. The victim may no longer be aware of their own existance. Being "zombied" or "zombification".
How was last night? Dunno I was zombied
by Muloir May 19, 2006
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The man in Florida who got high off of bath salts and devoured a mans face.
Hey, I don't know you.
And I might be crazy.
But I just smoked Bath Salts.
So, now your face looks tasty.;)

Innocent Bystander:

Oh shit.
by linarox123 June 7, 2012
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A girl that you think is "infected" with a STD. If you "touch" her, you become a zombie as well. Can apply to males as well.
by Fergus61 November 8, 2010
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Otherwise known as a "Beer zombie" or a "Crack zombie"

Someone who has done so much crack and drunk so much beer that thay have died,but thar bodys are still running becouse thay are now running on Crack and beer.So thare prity much a zombie...

...I have a "Beer zombie" in my naberhood
Dude,look at that guy,I think hes a beer zombie
by Darka October 31, 2007
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A big girl, usually drunk, who won't leave you alone, or follows you no matter where you go.
Dan: Dude, where are you
Max: WTF man, I had to leave, those Zombies won't leave me alone!
by Raytoao December 4, 2007
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