The years in which we're now (00-10) or the 00s.
A lot of neo-words were suggested to describe the decade we live in right now, but many of these weren't as good as the zips.
Here's a list:
-the earlies.
-the beginnings.
-the peacefuls.
-the tookies (from 2Ks: Years 2000).
-the ohs/ oh-ohs.
-the zeros.
-the aughts/ aughties.
-the naughts/ the naughties.
-the the 00psies/ 2000-psies (resounding the dot-bomb effect!). Also: the dooming 2000s.
-the oozies.
by hammer---;, hytham April 17, 2007
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zip is the sound made by a loner who wants attention. instead of making the zip sound why not zip it, lock it and put it in your pocket!
Amy: "ZIP!"
Me: "zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket!"
by footfungusofficial May 14, 2022
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A term used to your wife, girlfriend, children or pets to get them to shut their traps when they are being rather annoying. This term can only be used by the man of the house.
by Lonster71 May 27, 2017
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Zipping or zipping-it-up is what one does when they are being a douche with no self confidence. The combination of this unconfident doucheyness will often result in having sex with girls well under ones pay grade, pissing off everyone in their immediate area, and constantly thinking the world is out to get you when it is really you just fucking yourself over. The consequences of this attitude often results in having no friends, getting written up at work, and constantly contemplating your own demise.
Dude 1: Hey man I really feel like the world is out to get me, I mean sure I made out with that one girl last night and was late for work, but I wanna know who told my wife and why would my boss not just let it go this time?

Dude 2: Shut up man you're bringing me down right now. You're really zipping-it-up.
by 11-110 July 24, 2011
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To say that a girl is hot or that you would have sex with her.
Dude, check out that blond over there, zip!
by The District August 11, 2007
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Walking or running shoes; sneakers. So called because they allow you to run fast.
"I wore my zips today in case we have to run in gym class."
by Super Ghoul February 11, 2005
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Zip is a slang that means something is ugly, stupid or cheap
"Yo that teacher is so zip"

"His clothes are zip"

"Walmarts shoes are zip"
by Ohbitchno12345 September 16, 2020
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