The God of all comebacks, there is no better way to retort against an insulting comment because you will always win. No one knows who created "your face" some say it was either Chuck Norris or Jesus but whoever it was deserves a pat on the back because they are truly badass. Also, the ultimate way to respond to a "your mom" joke, because they can only reply with "your mom's face" and end up sounding stupid
Scenario 1:
Friend 1: it's time for a diss battle
Friend 2: it's your face's time for a diss battle
Friend 3: OOOOHHHH we got a winner!!!
Scenario 2:
Friend 1: Yeah, I just looked at the yearbook and you are uuuuugly!
Friend 2: your face is ugly
Friend 1: DAMMIT!!
Scenario 3:
Friend 1: that is the dumbest thing I ever heard
Friend 2: your mom is the dumbest thing I ever heard
Friend 1: well YOUR FACE is the dumbest thing I ever heard
Friend 2: well your MOM'S FACE is the dumbest thing I ever heard
Friend 3: no man, just no
by Mr.Potatoface January 3, 2014
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1. The uglyiest thing in the world

2. A great comeback
"EW today I saw the grossest thing... Know what it was?"
"Yeah, YOUR FACE!!!"
by A random somebody September 5, 2005
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Your face noun; - refers to a noun in a sentence; it is supposed to replace any noun in any sentence, towards somebody in perticular.
original statement: That looks like a bad accident...
revised statement: Your face looks like a bad accident...

Original statement: Where are they coming from?
revised statent: There on the corner of flamingo annndd, your face!
by Berge March 23, 2006
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A comeback you can use in any situation. Usually takes place of your mom otherwise known as yo mama and jo mama.
Damn, you're ugly.
You're face.

You need to take a shower.
Your face needs to take a shower.

You're a faggot.
Your face is a faggot!
by Sam May 9, 2005
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An insult aligned Your Mom and Yo Face and is used
a.when you can't think of anything better to say at the end of a sentance.
Guy: You suck and you really can't deny it.
Girl: Yeah well, YOUR FACE!

Guy: You know what makes me mad?
Girl: Whut?
by Emz October 19, 2004
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Your Face has become a very popular come back, especially among college students. It can be used in many forms such as: so is your face, your face, face, or complete facial!.... Sometimes people can even have full conversations with just this concept of your face. We use it if we have nothing else to say..... Your face is a perfect filler when you are at loss for words. Patty is your face all the time.
Patty: So Panda, what are you doing right now?
Panda: Ummmm.... ::Looks at computer screen, then quickly looks at Patty with an evil eye:: YOUR FACE!!!
Patty: ::Angrily:: YOUR FACE!!
Panda: ShU-Uh!! I hate your face's life!
Patty: Oh My Gah!!!! I can't stand the pain of your face!
Panda: Your face's face!
Patty: I cannot travel in this direction!
Panda: Your face can't travel in any direction!
Patty: You're a complete Facial McFacestein!
Panda: Huuurrrkk - - - - Blech.....
Patty: ::silence::... Haha, Face.
Therefor, Patty has prevailed.
by AmandownPanda March 18, 2008
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like saying "yo momma" but instead, "your face"..a great come back to use over and over again
what did u get on the test?
-Your Face!
-Your Face!
your mean
-Your Face!
by DmanfromITMS February 25, 2005
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