Simply meaning "yes" or "yay". This word is used at any occasion and at any time and place.

Some people use the word "Yons" to create more of an added hype to the situation.
"Do you like Taco Bell?"

by shla-dha April 26, 2021
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A demonstrative determiner whose meaning can be paraphrased as 'further than that' (from Old English 'geond'). Nowadays, it is an archaich grammatical word although it is still used in dialects, such as Southern AmEnglish.
Look at yon people coming from the city
by _sotoninetysix May 23, 2018
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1. The new ‘hun’. A friendly nickname to call someone. Doesn't need to be specifically romantic in nature, just a caring, kind thing to call someone.

3. An environmentalist who fits into the millennial generation’s movement.
by Trendsetter101 September 7, 2018
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A hairy fat father. Most likely on the toilet all day & has a family with sopa problems.
Wow, yon made us late to the mall due to his shitting problems
by Shani shanihan December 13, 2018
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Your being such a yon.
by Mamull July 6, 2021
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A word commonly used in Indianapolis that started on the Westside, to describe a peon, some one who bases their decisions of someone else’s thought, and/or someone who is willing to go to jail or risk there life for another who doesn’t care for them once so ever.
Bro, you a yon!
by B Slaughter September 27, 2019
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