Rake hates mustard, and sometimes Bam Margera.
Rake hates mustard, period blood and Bam Margera
by James Lowe October 18, 2004
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a crazy guy that woodoo's all day long and weses about mustard and gnar kill
very very haggard
"bring it the fuck on, WOODOOWAAW!!"

-rake yohn
by FlamingGuts December 2, 2003
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a man who hates mustard and period blood.
Rak yohn hates mustard and period blood
by Jessica December 20, 2003
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Rake Yohn is the guy with crazy hair who gets his Salad tossed.
Beginning of CKY4 when he gets his butt licked.
by Icemt9 March 1, 2005
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A faggot fucking douchebag that only knows how to give head, according to beast-man.
In Iceland Rake Yohn thought it would be funny to set the AM/FM radio on fire.
by Gabriel D March 19, 2005
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One of my idols...Really hates mustard.
"My favorite fuckin' shirt that some cocksucker from New Jersey fucked up"...-Rake Yohn- He said this in the Chopped&Sliced DVD after someone squirted mustard on him at a CKY concert.
by Lindsey February 2, 2004
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